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2014-10-14 15:54:06 来源:生物谷

2014年10月14日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --导读:乳腺癌是女性中最常见的恶性肿瘤,其中HER2阳性乳腺癌最为凶险,约占20-30%。罗氏赫赛汀(Herceptin)1998年上市,为HER2阳性乳腺癌临床治疗带来了一场革命,目前已成为临床金标准,市场份额高达95%。GlobalData发布报告,未来10年,HER2阳性乳腺癌市场将高速发展,在2023年市值达到126亿美元,而罗氏新推出的2种乳腺癌药物Perjeta和Kadcyla,将帮助维持其市场霸主地位,使其市场份额维持在95%以上。








到2023年,辅助治疗(adjuvant setting)是最大的细分市场,年度复合增长率(CAGR)高达12.3%,该细分市场约占HER2阳性乳腺癌市场的63%。届时,赫赛汀(Herceptin)将不再是市场的领导者,取而代之的是罗氏的乳腺癌新药Perjeta和Kadcyla,这2种药物的市场份额将分别达到37%和39%。




HER2阳性乳腺癌市场,罗氏的霸主地位无法撼动,该市场的新玩家,需要找到具有不同作用机制(MOA,mechanism of action)的药物,用于缺医少药的患者群体。不过,接受采访的行业领袖人物表示,HER2阳性乳腺癌中尚未满足的医疗需求,仍存在着商业机会。


英文原文:PharmaPoint: HER2-Positive Breast Cancer – Global Drug Forecast and Market Analysis to 2023

HER2-positive breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world and the most common cancer in women worldwide. This report focuses on the current treatment landscape, unmet needs, current pipeline, and commercial opportunities in the HER2-positive breast cancer market, with coverage of multiple settings of the disease including neoadjuvant, adjuvant, first-, second-, third-, and fourth-line metastatic.

Since its introduction in 1998, Roche’s gold standard therapy, Herceptin (trastuzumab), a monoclonal antibody, revolutionized the treatment of the disease. The realization that targeting the HER2 receptor could significantly improve disease-free survival (DFS) has created a large market for HER2-directed therapies. In 2013, Roche dominated the HER2-positive market, with a share of 95%. With Herceptin’s patent expiry looming in Europe Roche launched Perjeta and Kadcyla in 2012 and 2013 to maintain its leadership. GlobalData forecasts that the two monoclonal antibodies that also target the HER2 receptor will ensure Roche still occupies over 95% of the market in 2023.

The challenge for new entrants into the HER2-positive market is to find patient populations that are currently underserved, and can work cooperatively with Roche’s targeted therapies. The HER2-positive pipeline is weak, and there are still unmet needs that have yet to be suitably addressed. GlobalData expects that the HER2-positive market will grow due to the premium pricing of new agents, and an increasing aging population in the US, 5EU, Japan, and China.

Key Findings

The HER2-positive breast cancer market will increase by 2.5-fold, reaching $12.63bn by 2023, at a CAGR of 9.82%, driven by the rapid uptake of the latest premium-priced biologics. Approval of these agents in the early (non-metastatic) stages will have the greatest impact on the market, along with combinations of branded therapies.

By 2023, the largest market segment will be the adjuvant setting, with rapid growth at a CAGR of 12.3%, and representing 63% of the total HER2-positive market. Herceptin will no longer be the market leader, with new agents Perjeta and Kadcyla taking 37% and 39% market share respectively.

The patent expiry of Herceptin in the 5EU in 2014, and in the US in 2019, will significantly reduce Herceptin sales, however, its introduction of a more convenient subcutaneous reformulation of Herceptin will limit this impact.

Development of new HER2-targeting therapies is slow, with only one agent, Puma Biotechnology’s neratinib, in Phase III, following the failure of BI’s gilotrif. The recent failure of GSK’s Tykerb in the adjuvant setting shows that TKIs are best suited to later stages of metastatic disease.

Entry into the Roche-dominated HER2-positive market is challenging, with new players needing to find alternative MOAs in underserved patient populations. KOLs identified areas of important unmet need that can still provide opportunities in the HER2-positive space.

Future drug development will begin to merge the HER2-positive and HER2-negative populations, as new targets and MOAs are developed, providing exciting opportunities.