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FDA爆出美国最脏药厂 产品每毫升5万多个菌落

2017-08-02 17:13:47 来源:GMP办公室


1. Your firm failed to establish anddocument the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of itstest methods (21 CFR 211.165(e)).

你公司未能制订和记录其检测方法的准确度、灵敏度、专属性和重复性(21 CFR 211.165(e))。

You produce some bulkdrug solutions at your facility (e.g., 2% chlorhexidine gluconate) and haveentered into contract manufacturing arrangements for the production of otherdrugs (e.g., Sage Perox-A-Mint, manufactured for you byChemRite CoPac, Inc.(“ChemRite”)). You use the (b)(4) method to screen for microbiologicalcontamination in drugs produced entirely at your facility and thosemanufactured under contract. This (b)(4) screening method (b)(4)formicrobiological examination of your liquid drug products is not adequate forits intended use. You attempted to validate your (b)(4) microbialdetection method, but were not able to demonstrate that it could reliably andrepeatedly determine whether objectionable microorganisms were present in yourdrugs.

你们在你们的工厂生产了许多药品溶液(如2%葡萄糖酸氯己定),并且还有生产其它药品的委托生产安排(例如Sage的Perox-A-Mint,是由ChemRite CoPac, Inc. (“ChemRite”)为你们生产的),采用XX为你们生产。你们使用了XX方法来剔除你们自己场所生产的以及委托场所生产的药品的微生物污染。该XX筛选方法XX用于检查你们液体药品的微生物污染对于其既定用途来说是不充分的。你们试图验证你们的XX微生物检出方法,但未能证明其能够可靠地重复检测出你的产品中是否有致病菌。

You screened your Comfort Shield large three-packproduct (lot 53957) for presence/absence of microbiological contamination inMarch, 2016, using the (b)(4) method. The (b)(4) test did notdetect the presence of microbial contamination. You then released this lot fordistribution.

你们在2016年3月使用XX方法检测Comfort Shield大的三包产品(批号53957)中是否有微生物污染。XX检测并未检出微生物污染。然后你们将该批产品放行销售。

After receiving three consumer complaints fordiscoloration of this product, you initiated testing of your retains using boththe modified U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) microbiological limits method and the (b)(4)method. Both analyses found microbial contamination. Notably, the USP modifiedmethod (b)(4) found an exceedingly high microbial count of over 57,000CFU/ml, and also identified Burkholderia cepacia, an objectionablemicroorganism, in this product lot.


Your drugs are often used in hospital or clinicalsettings in which patients may have a higher vulnerability to infection with B.cepacia and other objectionable organisms. Detecting numbers and types ofobjectionable microorganisms in your products is critical to making appropriatebatch disposition decisions, yet the microbiological screening method on whichyou rely to examine your products for the presence of microbiologicalcontamination has not consistently and reliably detected the presence of B.cepacia in your drugs before you released them for distribution. Forexample, since 2006, your firm conducted at least four recalls for productsassociated with B. cepacia contamination, including:


2006年 Comfort shield 3% dimethicone cloths

2008年 2% chlorhexidine gluconate cloths

2014年 Comfort Shield 3% dimethicone cloths

2016年 3% dimethicone cloths

2% chlorhexidine gluconate cloths

M-Care cleansing cloths

Comfort Bath cleansing wash cloths

Had your firm been utilizing a screening methodcapable of consistently detecting B. cepacia, these products may nothave been released in the first instance.


During a June 28, 2016, teleconference, FDA informedyou that your (b)(4) method (b)(4) has not been adequatelyvalidated for detecting the presence of microorganisms, including the presenceof B. cepacia. In a subsequent meeting on November 30, 2016, FDA advisedyou to use a verified compendial method for all bulk drug solutions andfinished product microbiological testing until you could further assess thesuitability of the (b)(4)method. In the November meeting, your firm’smanagement agreed to continue efforts to assess the (b)(4) method, andif possible, validate it. However, you did not commit to using a compendialmethod until the (b)(4) method could be validated.


According to your firm’s Microbial EnumerationQTP-079, “classical method testing should be performed for samples that do nothave validated (b)(4) method testing to verify whether or not samplesmeet the microbial enumeration acceptance criteria.” Your firm continues tolack a validated (b)(4) method. While your response indicates that yourevised your SOP Microbial Recovery Validation, which references yourattempted (b)(4) validation method, the SOP modifications did notaddress the method inadequacies or demonstrate equivalence or superiority toUSP <61>Microbial Examination of Nonsterile Products: MicrobialEnumeration Tests and USP <62> Microbial Examination of NonsterileProducts: Tests for Specified Organisms at detecting objectionableorganisms such as B. cepacia and enumerating total microbial countlevels.

根据你们公司的微生物计数程序 QTP-079“如果没有经过验证的XX方法检查来核查该样品是否符合微生物计数可接受标准,则应采用传统方法检测。”你公司仍缺乏经过验证的XX方法。而你们的回复指出你们修订了你们的SOP“微生物回收验证”,其中参考了你们试图XX的验证方法,SOP修订并未说明方法的充分性或证明其等同或优于USP<61>“无菌药品微生物检查:微生物计数法检测”和USP<62>“无菌药品微生物检查:致病菌检测”,这两个章节是用于检测致病菌,如洋葱伯克氏菌以及计算总微生物数水平的。

Deficiencies in the (b)(4) method validationinclude the following.


It specifies a (b)(4) dilution factor. USP <62> requires a 1:10 dilution factor. Your dilution factor is (b)(4)times greater than the USP method and provides insufficient detectability to rule out the presence of objectionable microorganisms and unacceptable total counts.


It does not account for the enrichment step called for in USP <62>.


It does not include the scraping step during sample preparation, which your submitted laboratory data indicates is required to validate organism recovery.


It lacks evidence that small numbers of various microorganisms, including those that are injured and stressed, can be reliably recovered. Specifically, sample effect (defined by your firm as the inhibitory effect of a sample on the growth of various microorganisms) data for B. cepacia was collected using a fresh-grown culture, not a stressed organism.


Microbial recovery results for each challenge organism are not fully described. The identity of recovered growth from organism challenge studies was not always verified.


It does not establish potential sample interference factors (e.g., enhancing or quenching) for each product formulation.


2. Your firm failed to establishscientifically sound and appropriate sampling plans and test proceduresdesigned to assure that in-process materials and drug products conform toappropriate standards of identity, strength, quality, and purity (21 CFR211.160(b)).

你们公司未能建立科学合理和适当的取样计划和检测方法,设计用以确保中控物料和制剂成品符合适当的鉴别、剂量、质量和纯度标准(21 CFR 211.160(b))。

Your written procedures for microbial enumeration areinsufficient to ensure that each batch is acceptable for distribution. Inparticular, your method lacks adequate provisions for performing (b)(4)testing when a positive result is obtained to ensure recovery and furtherevaluation of the microbiological contamination.


An original sample found to be contaminated using the (b)(4)test is not further analyzed. Instead, a small additional sample is testedusing a modified USP method (b)(4). If no growth is detected in thissmall sample, you require no further testing. You lack scientific justificationthat this (b)(4) sample is representative of the batch, and allows forproper evaluation of the positive result in (b)(4). As a result, the (b)(4)test is effectively used as a “confirmatory test,” rather than using it toevaluate and investigate the extent and type of contamination in the batch.


In your response, you also describe the (b)(4)test as destructive, which you contend “makes the processed (b)(4)preparations unsuitable for recovery and further testing.” Your response isinadequate. Your protocol for assuring subsequent enumeration andidentification when a positive result is obtained by the (b)(4) methodscreening test (b)(4) lacks sufficient detail. Among other things, yourprotocol does not ensure that (b)(4) testing adequately evaluates theextent and type of contamination present in the given batch, or that it employsa representative sample of the batch. Furthermore, the protocol does not assurethat appropriate investigations of any objectionable batch contamination areperformed, including when a preservative might have some efficacy against thegiven microbe. Lastly, the protocol does not provide for potentialspeciation of the detected microbial contamination in the(b)(4) initialscreening test.


3. Your firm failed to clean,maintain, and, as appropriate for the nature of the drug, sanitize and/orsterilize equipment and utensils at appropriate intervals to preventmalfunction or contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength,quality, or purity of the drug product beyond the official or other establishedrequirements (21 CFR 211.67(a)).

你公司未能对设备和工器具按适当的时间间隔进行清洁、维护,在适当时根据药品的属性进行消毒和/或灭菌以防止出现可能会改变药品安全性、鉴别、剂量、质量或纯度使其超出官方或其它既定要求的故障和污染。(21 CFR 211.67(a)).

Your acceptance criteria included in your bioburdenanalysis report (Analysis of In-Process Bioburden/Cleaning Surveillance for (b)(4)Line (b)(4)) failed to include B. cepacia on the listof objectionable organisms. This is despite the fact that your facilityhas a history of recurring B. cepacia contamination issues and that a2016 root cause investigation conducted in your facility revealed a biofilm hadbecome established within the Clean-in-Place (CIP) system servicing (b)(4) lines(b)(4). Your firm cultured and identified B. cepacia within thesecleaning samples from the CIP system. This root cause analysis was conductedfollowing the recall of product contaminated with B. cepacia.


Drugs Made for You by ChemRite


You have engaged ChemRite to manufacture SagePerox-A-Mint, (b)(4). These products, which you test using the(b)(4)method discussed above, are adulterated as enumerated in the precedingviolations. They are also adulterated for the reasons set forth in WarningLetter 515029, issued by FDA to ChemRite on June 29, 2017. Among other things,ChemRite manufactured your oral solution drugs using the same equipment inwhich ChemRite manufactured toxic industrial-grade car washes and waxes. Youare responsible for ensuring that all of your products are manufactured inaccordance with CGMP, including oversight of the manufacturing operationsconducted by your contractor, ChemRite, on your behalf. Contractors areextensions of the manufacturer, and you are required to ensure that your drugsare made in accordance with section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act toensure safety, identity, strength, quality, and purity. See FDA’s guidancedocument, Contract Manufacturing Arrangements for Drugs: QualityAgreements,

你们委托了ChemRite生产Sage Perox-A-Mint。由于上述所列违规情况,你们使用上述讨论的XX方法检测的这些产品均为掺假药。同时,由于在FDA于2017年6月29日签发给ChemRite的警告信515029中所列的原因,这些药品也被认为是掺假药。此外,ChemRite使用了与生产你们的口服溶液相同的设备来生产有毒的工业级汽车洗剂和蜡制品。你们有责任确保你们所有的药品生产符合CGMP,包括监管由你们的分包商ChemRite代表你们所执行的生产操作。分包商是生产商的延伸,你们应确保你们的药品符合FDCA的501(a)(2)(B) 部分,确保其安全性、鉴别、剂量、质量和纯度。参见FDA指南文件“药品委托生产安排:质量协议”。