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2014-12-24 16:58:40 来源:生物谷

2014年12月22日讯/生物谷BIOON/--近日,礼来与法国生物技术公司Adocia签署合作协议,决定联手研发一种名为BioChaperone Lispro的超速效胰岛素,用于治疗1型和2型糖尿病。


礼来和Adocia将会联合研发,目前已经进入到1期临床试验阶段,目的是能够使患者餐后保持较平稳的血糖浓度。BioChaperone Lispro的优势之一是胰岛素注射时间的灵活性大大增强,减小餐后血糖浓度波动的范围,降低低血糖症的发病率,从整体上实现血糖浓度的控制。



原文 Eli Lilly, Adocia to Develop Ultra-Rapid Insulin in $570M Deal

Eli Lilly entered a licensing collaboration with French biotech Adocia to develop ultra-rapid insulin, known as BioChaperone Lispro, for the treatment of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Adocia will get $50 million upfront with the potential to receive up to $280 million in development and regulatory milestones, and $240 million in sales milestones and royalties. The U.S. drugmaker will also reimburse Adocia for certain R&D expenses and assume responsibility for future development, manufacturing, and commercialization of BioChaperone Lispro.

The companies will co-develop the therapy, currently in Phase Ib studies, with the goal of optimizing glucose levels during and after meals. Benefits of BioChaperone Lispro could include better flexibility in insulin injection timing, lower variability of post-meal blood glucose elevations, lower rates of hypoglycemia, and overall improved glucose control.

Eli Lilly has had a long-term commitment to developing treatments for diabetes since 1923 when it introduced the first commercial insulin. Currently, the company has two top ranked diabetes drugs—Humalog? and Humulin?—ranked at number 4 and 10, respectively, on GEN’s list of Top 20 Diabetes Drugs.

In addition, Eli Lilly announced last year that it was investing more than $700 million to enhance its global insulin manufacturing capacity in Puerto Rico, France, and China, as well as its headquarters in Indianapolis.