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2015-03-25 14:10:02 来源:生物谷

2015年3月25日讯/生物谷BIOON/--近日,FDA就礼来用于治疗成人精神分裂症的长效注射剂奥氮平Zyprexa Relprevv致两名患者死亡的调查结果公布,结论却是无法确定。


Zyprexa Relprevv的标签上已经加注了黑框警告,告诫患者警惕注射后谵妄镇静(PDSS)的风险,PDSS是一种严重情况,即肌内注射后药物入血过快而导致血药浓度急大幅升高,引起明显的镇静和(或)谵妄。这种情况的症状与过量服用奥氮平Zyprexa Relprevv有关。

为了减少注射后谵妄镇静(PDSS)的风险,近日出台了一项风险评估与控制策略,要求患者在具有专业资质的医护人员和设备的情况下注射奥氮平Zyprexa Relprevv。

关于奥氮平Zyprexa Relprevv

奥氮平是一种抗精神病药,对多种受体系统具有药理作用。动物试验表明,奥氮平对 5-HT、多巴胺D、α-肾上腺素、组胺H等多种受体有亲和力。动物行为研究表明,奥氮平具有5-HT、多巴胺和胆碱能拮抗作用,与其受体结合情况相符。奥氮平的体外和体内5-HT 2 受体亲和力大于其与多巴胺D 2 受体的亲和力。


原文 Deaths review of Lilly's long-acting antipsychotic 'inconclusive'

Results of US review into the deaths of two patients taking Eli Lilly’s long-acting antipsychotic Zyprexa Relprevv (olanzapine pamoate) are inconclusive.

 The US Food and Drug Administration launched an investigation in June last year into the cause of high levels of the drug found in two patients who died three to four days after taking it.

“We are unable to exclude the possibility that the deaths were caused by rapid, but delayed, entry of the drug into the bloodstream following intramuscular injection,” the regulator said. However, on the basis of all of the information reviewed, it is not recommending any changes to current prescribing or use.

Zyprexa Relprevv’s label already carries a boxed warning for post-injection delirium sedation (PDSS), a serious condition with signs and symptoms consistent with olanzapine overdose, after it was observed in clinical trials within three hours after administration.

To cut the risk of PDSS, a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy is in place to ensure that patients are observed by healthcare professionals at a certified facility following injection.